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The TruthPoint Team is proud to bring you videos that pierce the darkness.
TruthPoint Videos are produced in greater Austin, Texas by Eliyahu ben David and his team. Eliyahu is a best-selling researcher and author. You can see his bio on his Amazon Author Page. Our entire team is passionate about, and highly engaged in, the production of videos on topics that are important to us all. Often our viewers tell us they find our videos to be highly impactful, and they say they have never seen the truth we present anyplace else. That's what piercing the darkness is all about - informing you about hidden truth that impacts your life. Currently, 6 DVD titles have been produced. These are: Tsiyon Dedication: Stories of Faith Producing Fruit, War on the Saints, Beasts of Daniel Surfacing, Remnant Exodus, and Prophetic Fulfillments Just Ahead. Another film has been produced and will be released on DVD soon, entitled, Darwinian Evolution Junk Science. All of these titles are available from this website for you to enjoy. For other venues or modes of distribution please contact us.


Wow!! What an insightful video series. Excellent, Wonderful and Great! Everyone needs to hear this information. I'm certainly going to send this link out to everyone I know. In these last days it will help a lot of people.


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Thanks Eliyahu Ben David and the Team for another awesome video teaching ... There is so much chaos, fear and confusion in the world and even in the church. ..It's sad that as I look around the internet, no one is really teaching the whole truth. Is the Shemita year ending or beginning now? What does the Blood Moon signify? What is CERN? Is the Tribulation beginning September 23, 2015? The Anti-Christ, False Flags, Nuclear attacks in the US, Asteroids, etc ??!! It's truly chaotic and we know who the author of chaos is.....So, I hope everyone who IS searching for the WHOLE TRUTH, finds this video, watches it and is blessed.


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Everyone is FINALLY wanting to talk about UN Agenda 21 but ignoring Agenda 2030!!!! Wow. I don't see how any believer thinks he and his family can continue on - this is the End of Days - without having the information contained in the Truth can you understand what is ahead for you and your family? How can you discern the very subtle lies that are mixed in with the "emotionally" charged language that is on the air waves - Mark 13:22 “For false messiahs and false prophets shall rise and show signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones. This information is alarming and could be the difference in life and death.


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